Chronic Pain Management | Pain Doctor Tyler Texas

Chronic Pain Management Overview

It is estimated approximately 30 million Americans suffer from a form of chronic pain, such as back pain, neck pain, joint pain or headaches. Ongoing pain hinders an individual’s ability to perform everyday activities, participate in physical activities or excel in many work positions, often leading to depression, fatigue and anxiety. All of these factors connect and cause the patient even worse pain and emotional discomfort. Patients struggling with constant, severe pain typically require a multidisciplinary chronic pain management clinic to help ease pain and allow then to get through each day. Pain Recovery Center of Tyler offers two leading pain doctors in Tyler, Texas, both highly experienced at diagnosing and treating all levels of pain.

The Development of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than three months. This type of pain is often associated with a chronic health condition, nerve damage or injury. The most common causes of chronic pain include osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, a surgery that caused nerve damage and spinal conditions.

Individuals diagnosed with certain medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis, may experience both acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is often present at the time of injury or beginning of the condition, but the progressive damage or disease leads to chronic pain.

Scientists and medical researchers believe that acute pain sensitizes the central nervous system and leads to chronic pain in certain individuals. Many medical professionals state that they do not fully understand how acute pain becomes chronic, but it is believed that an untreated acute injury, such as joint inflammation, can lead to changes in the way the brain and spinal cord regulates pain.

The Importance of Chronic Pain Management

Depression, anxiety, fatigue and sleep difficulties are known to increase physical sensations, worsen the pain level and hinder the body’s ability to function at a normal level. Because of this debilitating combination, a chronic pain management program is essential to almost all patients.

Common Treatments Prescribed by
Pain Doctors in Tyler, Texas

The pain doctors in Tyler, Texas at Pain Recovery Center of Tyler believe pain is multifactorial in origin, so it is important for medical professionals to identify each possible cause of pain separately, rather than assume all of the pain is from one disease or injury. Because chronic pain is a complex condition, a multidisciplinary pain management clinic, such as Pain Recovery Center of Tyler, is often recommended since the physicians offer a range of interventions, including medications, nerve blocks, injections, physical therapy and other complementary treatments.

Pain doctors in Tyler, Texas often recommend:

  • Medications, nerve blocks and injections to alleviate the pain level
  • A detailed physical therapy program to regain mobility and normal function
  • Tracking the pain level and its effects so a physician can pinpoint causes and solutions
  • Improving sleep quality and reducing daily stress

For additional resources on chronic pain management, please contact the office of Pain Recovery Center of Tyler. Our pain doctors in Tyler, Texas are available to assist patients suffering from various causes of chronic pain.

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